Allen Antiques

portion of a splint arm protection - A-290 portion of a splint arm protection - A-290-c-clarity100 portion of a splint arm protection - A-290-b portion of a splint arm protection - A-290-a portion of a splint arm protection - A-290-a-angle portion of a splint arm protection - A-290-side portion of a splint arm protection - A-290-a-elbow portion of a splint arm protection - A-290-a-elbow-edge portion of a splint arm protection - A-290-a-elbow-side

portion of a splint arm protection 1510

Consisting of elbow, forarm and hand protection. Elbow covering the outside and point of the elbow with a simple slightly tapered form puckered to fit to the bend of the elbow and with a central band formed by 2 one sided flutes. Forarm of gutter formed with a central slot to secure the hand protection. Hand protection on three leathers. Hand protection of three plates secured to a fourth wrist plate. The slot allows the wrist/hand protection to be retracted. Leathers replaced and broken. Holes for Y strap across the elbow and a strap in the center of the vambrace.


If you have any questions, please send them to Wade Allen

This site last updated Mon Dec 27 11:29:14 EST 2021