Allen Antiques

Elbow cop - A-53-a Elbow cop - A-53-a-angle Elbow cop - A-53b Elbow cop - A-53b-back

Elbow cop 1510-30

Decorated with flutes and recessed bands. A 'floating' cop used with separate upper and lower cannons of the vambrace. The mate is a very well made modern copy (to form a pair). The mate was made in the armouries of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 7.5 in. tall Thickness varies between .020 and .045, mostly in the .030-035 range. There does not appear to be an intentional pattern in the thickness variation. 10 oz (275 g).


If you have any questions, please send them to Wade Allen

This site last updated Wed Nov 23 14:14:01 EST 2022