Allen Antiques

German Arm Harness - A-73-new-with-reinforce German Arm Harness - A-73-new German Arm Harness - A-73-new-back German Arm Harness - A-73-new-reinforce

German Arm Harness 1570

Formed of a closed vambrace formed of an inner and outer plate secured by an inset hinge on the front and a pin on the inner plate that engages a hole in the outer plate at the back. The cop is slightly rounded and secured to the upper and lower cannons by one lame above and below the cop. The upper canon formed of 2 plates with a turning collar formed by a raised ridge on the upper (outer) an a flare on the edge of the lower (inner) plate. The wrist and inner elbow are bordered by rolled and roped borders. The wing on the cop is formed from a separate plate and secured by 2 rivets. The arm includes a tournament reinforce formed to the elbow and secured to the cop by a bolt at the front and a pin at the point of the elbow.

Weight: 4 pounds 3.8 ounces (1,925 g) including reinforce.


If you have any questions, please send them to Wade Allen

This site last updated Mon Dec 27 11:29:14 EST 2021